Customer Testimonials

Portrait of a happy smiling blue eyed young successful woman giving two thumbs up gesture standing indoors. Positive human emotion facial expression body language.

Their level of professionalism and customer service is second to none. I have been their client for almost 8 years and whenever I have needed their help, they are there to help. Plus, their fees are hard to beat every year. I get calls from other companies about renewal time, but they have never been able to get even close. But the most important thing is that they care about their clients and always seek to provide the best coverage at the fairest price. I always recommend Tango Insurance to my friends and family, call and ask for José, he will take care of you.

Juan and Karla C.

Excellent client service. Javier was very thorough in reviewing my policy and delivered on what was promised.
Yovani C.

The best customer service ever!
David Y.

From day one, José has gone above and beyond to attend to my insurance needs. He responds very quickly to my questions and calls. Customer service is VERY important to me. It's in your game A.

Diana B.

Excellent agency! They are professional and responsive!
Shannon M.

They were very helpful and were able to find me the plan that best suited me and what I needed at an affordable price.
David M.
